Entire industries have grown up around providing services for authors—publicists, book coaches, freelance editors, writing teachers and workshop leaders, promotion services, advertisers, audiobook readers, the list goes on!

Sadly, some “services” turn out to be scams—like the ones promising to turn your book into a film if you’ll just pay oh…a few thousand dollars for that trailer, or maybe the screenplay. (Don’t ask me how I know about that one—it’s too embarrassing!)

Occasionally, though, there are some lovely, unexpected opportunities that arise. One for me was connecting with translator Zach Bennett on LinkedIn (www.spanishwithagringo.com/translation).  He approached me about being interested in translating MISSED CUE into Spanish. I told him that sounded wonderful, but I had no money to pay for a translation. “No problem,” he said. He was interested in developing his business as a translator. He would simply take a percentage of book sales and would even lay out and load the book onto Amazon, a process I had no experience with as an author who traditionally publishes with a small press.

PISTA PERDIDA is now up on Amazon, and I love it. Zach did a beautiful job. It’s especially meaningful to me because I have several Spanish-speaking members of my extended family.

Sometimes, delightful opportunities find their way to us as authors—and unlike 99.9 percent of them, there’s no charge on the front end! A deal for which I’m definitely thankful.




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