It Should Have Been a Great Week

It should have been a great week… and in many ways, it was. My local Sisters in Crime chapter had a wonderful book signing event at Barnes and Noble, my family and friends made me feel very loved and appreciated on my birthday, and my husband and I put our Christmas tree up and got…

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Maybe Next Week Will Be Better

My younger son Joel teaches at an inner city high school in Denver. It’s a tough job for not much money. Last weekend, he recounted a particularly difficult week in which nearly everything that could have gone wrong did. “But it’s okay, Mom,” he told me. “I’ve even picked out what I’m going to wear.…

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Acts of Love

I once read a story about a writer who so detested his wife that he plotted to kill her. Since she was a devoted partner who delighted in cooking him gourmet meals, this seemed surprising. Until the author revealed late in the story that there was one thing the wife had never done. She’d never…

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Still Family

I was at my grandson’s seventh grade football game when the call came. Amidst the noisy fans, my son’s voice sounded unexpectedly sober and lower than usual. “Wanted to let you know

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