Life’s Passages
As I write this, I’m flying home from a three-day reunion with my two older sisters. My husband did not want me to go. “Why put yourself through traveling right now?” he said. “You’re in terrible shape.”
Truth be told, at the moment, I’m not feeling so hot. I’m ten days away from spinal surgery which hopefully will help me stand and walk without hammerfuls of pain. But there was no question I was bound and determined to make this trip. As I explained to my dear husband, we three women of a certain age (e.g., older than dirt) are painfully aware that we don’t know how many opportunities we’ll have to be together—perhaps many, many more. Or maybe not. Each visit becomes precious, treasured time with the only folks left who knew us from the get-go.
My sisters and I had some wonderful talks about our current challenges and hopes for this final chapter of our lives. My newly retired sister wants to use her skills in development to raise money for a “Designing Your Life” program for undergrads at a university she’s very involved in. My oldest sister is deeply interested in genealogy and writing our family history. As for me, I hope writing more books, making music with my husband, and continuing to volunteer as a facilitator for a comprehensive sexuality education program will all be part of my future.
Meantime, my beloved and far-flung grandchildren are celebrating life passages of their own. My eldest grandson is celebrating Senior Night at his high school’s football game this evening. And my two younger grandsons, born just twelve hours apart, are celebrating their seventh birthdays.
I love and miss them all so much. It is strange to think that someday they’ll be grandparents, treasuring every moment with their siblings, children, and grandkids.
It’s the cycle of life, and I feel so blessed to have lived long enough to savor special times with my sisters, my beloved husband, and the world’s coolest grandkids.
Feeling grateful.