Excitement in the Midst of Craziness

With millions of Americans stuck at home worried about how they’re going to pay the rent or buy food, it’s been tough to feel upbeat about much of anything.

But last night, I experienced a genuine mood-elevator. We got a surprise Face Time call from our five year old grandson. After years of having stories read to him, he proudly told us he wanted to read us one. And then he opened his copy of Come Back, Ben, a delightful story by Ann and John Hassett. With his finger carefully moving from word to word, he read us the entire story. His excitement was contagious. We were thrilled for him!

There is something so incredible about watching young children figure out they can decipher words on a page. It’s like discovering they have a magical power that will take them to worlds they never dreamed possible, and they don’t need to hitch a ride with anyone else—unless they want to, of course.

Books and reading have been such a joy in my own life, one I was so delighted to pass on to my own kids. And now, to see it passed on in turn to my grandchildren by their devoted parents, ranks right up there with life’s greatest blessings.

Long live books, and dedicated parents (and we grandparents too) who foster our kids’ love of the written word. The ability to read is a gift that will never wear out and adds so much joy and pleasure to life.

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  1. Connie Dow on March 21, 2020 at 11:30 am

    The best medicine for everyone!

  2. Barbara Hood on March 21, 2020 at 1:00 pm

    How delightful

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